Home » Cosmonaut training center: robots will be working on the space station in five years

Cosmonaut training center: robots will be working on the space station in five years

by alex

In five years, robots will be working on the space station. With such a forecast was made by the head of the department of the Yuri Gagarin CTC, Andrei Kuritsyn.

According to him, the robots will perform simple tasks: remove some device, check if there is damage from micrometeorites in some places. For this, it is absolutely not necessary to drive astronauts into open space every time. Moreover, the way out is a very difficult and dangerous operation. And the main goal of the CTC is to ensure the maximum safety of astronauts.

“If it is technically possible to replace a person with a machine, this should be done,” Kuritsyn said in an interview with kp.ru.

The robot can be controlled by an astronaut who is inside the station, or an operator at the MCC.

In general, anthropomorphic robots will soon be used in many areas where there is a risk to the operator's life. And first of all, of course, in space.

Earlier we talked about what skills astronauts should have. They are still taught how to fly jet planes and parachute jumping.

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