On October 17, the film crew Klim Shipenko and Yulia Peresild returned to Earth. They successfully filmed the film “Challenge” on the ISS and are now recovering from the flight.
Oleg Kotov, cosmonaut, participant of three flights to the ISS, doctor, Hero of Russia told how Yulia and Klim feel and what happened to their bodies in space.
“The state is good, the space flight did not have any negative effect on their health, there were usual changes in the vestibulo-vegetative system, but they disappear in a couple of days,” the doctor shares with Life.ru.
For 12 days in zero gravity, there are no chronic changes in the body. After landing, it is enough to spend a couple of days at rest, rest, sleep, eat, take fluids back, and performance will fully return.
Oleg Kotov noted that initially, when the selection of participants in the flight was taking place, attention was paid to the state of the body. The task was to choose a person who would be able to endure weightlessness and flight as easily as possible.
– In four months it is impossible to prepare the body for weightlessness if it is not already ready. This is the peculiarity of selection.
The doctor noted that the director and actress did not have time to get used to weightlessness in 12 days, this is too short a time. Adaptation takes months. Only then does a person begin to control his body without hesitation and move easily.
– After returning to Earth, you return to your usual conditions in hours or maybe days. It happens right before our eyes: half an hour passes – one person, after another two hours he is already different, another 5-6 hours pass – everything is completely different, – says Oleg Kotov.
By the way, muscles in zero gravity do not weaken at all. On the ISS, newcomers move slowly, not because of weakness, but because of the inability to control their body in a new state.
– In space, the most difficult moments are not the moments of takeoff and landing, but life in zero gravity. The more days spent at the station, the more noticeable the effect on the body. It makes no sense for the film crew to use any means of prevention. They didn’t run, didn’t go in for sports, as a permanent crew, – the astronaut shared.
On October 17, the film crew and cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky arrived at Star City in the Moscow Region to begin rehabilitation after the flight. Recovery time will depend on how they feel.
The flight was successful, no consequences for their health are expected. In addition, the film crew was pleased – they filmed more than 30 hours of video on the ISS. Experts estimate the cost of cinema at more than 5 billion rubles.
The painting will become perhaps the most expensive in the history of Russia. But its recoupment is questionable, but experts expect an increase in interest in space tourism and the industry as a whole, the Izvestia newspaper writes.