Home ยป Coronavirus restrictions accelerate the arrival of spring in China

Coronavirus restrictions accelerate the arrival of spring in China

by alex

Coronavirus restrictions accelerate the arrival of spring in China

Scientists are continuing to investigate how the 2020 coronavirus restrictions have impacted the planet. An international panel of experts concluded that isolation and travel restrictions led to an earlier spring in China, Science Advances reported.

In 2020, many governments are known to have introduced travel bans and ordered citizens to stay in their homes. The move resulted in air purification as well as the introduction of wildlife in urban areas.

As part of a new scientific work, experts have conducted an extensive study of the environmental impact of insulation in China. Thus, the movement of people in January and February 2020 decreased by almost 50% and returned to normal only after a few months.

Satellite data showed a significant decrease in air pollution in the industrial areas of the country and an increase in landscaping. The scientists found that the extra sunlight and reduced air pollution led to early spring in China – an average of 8.4 days earlier than usual. Spring was about 17.45% greener than usual.

The researchers emphasized that nature reacts very quickly when human activities change. This should be taken into account when considering further measures to combat industrial pollution.

Previously, scientists found that humanity emits more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than all volcanoes. At the moment, 60% of volcanoes are dormant.

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