Home » Coronavirus found on mink farms in Sweden

Coronavirus found on mink farms in Sweden

by alex

The coronavirus was found in people working on mink farms in Sweden. This was reported by the national health agency, reports Reuters.

According to him, a number of employees tested positive for coronavirus. How many people were infected is not specified. Authorities are currently studying strains of the virus taken from both infected humans and infected minks. It is planned to find out if there is a connection between them.

Earlier it was reported that in Denmark, after the extermination of infected minks, a mutated strain of coronavirus probably disappeared. In the country, before that, minks were destroyed on about 300 farms where this strain was found. An infection has been found in animals that spreads to humans and weakens the ability to form antibodies. At least 12 people have been registered with this virus.

Mink with coronavirus has also been found on fur farms in Greece.

The World Health Organization has confirmed the susceptibility of minks to coronavirus, making them dangerous to humans. Therefore, there is a risk that the population of these animals could facilitate the transmission of the virus.

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