Home » Corona help: Book trade is happy about 40 percent sales replacement

Corona help: Book trade is happy about 40 percent sales replacement

by alex

The book trade in particular is suffering from the closed shops and market pressure from Amazon.

Yesterday, Monday, Finance Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) presented the detailed regulation on sales compensation for companies that had to lock up in the second lockdown, with trading companies paying 20, 40 or 60 percent of the previous year's sales by the state. The domestic book trade can now expect a refund of 40 percent, which the Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade (HVB) was pleased to emphasize on Tuesday.

After all, a sales replacement of only 20 percent had been rumored to the last, which would have threatened the existence of numerous companies, said HVB President Benedikt Föger in a broadcast: “We are pleased with the 40 percent sales replacement, especially the book trade is suffering from the closed shops and under market pressure from Amazon. “

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