Home » Corona aid can be requested from Monday

Corona aid can be requested from Monday

by alex

Finance Minister Gernot Blümel and Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler announced new information about Corona aid in the economy on Monday.

Over the weekend the government announced that some economic aid would be extended. For example, tax payments should be deferred until March 2021. And the five percent lower value added tax for food and beverages should apply until the end of next year.

In addition, the long-awaited fixed cost grant two can be applied for from Monday. This applies from a drop in sales of 30 percent and can cover up to 100 percent of the costs. Up to 800,000 euros are possible, later it should even be up to three million. In addition, retail and other industries can apply for the lockdown revenue replacement from Monday.

Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler spoke of “extraordinary measures.” “Economic aid is also employment aid. It's about jobs,” said Kogler. All applications can be submitted via FinanzOnline.

According to the Vice Chancellor, the fixed cost grant two is generous and covers a longer period. Its main purpose is to help small and medium-sized businesses. The sales substitute was extended to the trade. This has already proven itself in the catering and hotel industries.

According to Finance Minister Blümel, 42,000 applications with around 600 million euros have been received for the one fixed cost grant. 330 million euros have already been paid out.

Changes had to be made to the replacement of sales in retail in order to find a solution that was as fair as possible. Three criteria were defined: the gross profit of the respective industry, catch-up effects for the time after the lockdown and the perishability of the goods.

A flower shop receives a 60 percent refund. For metal goods it is about 40 percent and the vehicle trade can take up to 20 percent.

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