Home » Consideration of the dispute between Bezos and NASA was delayed due to heavy files

Consideration of the dispute between Bezos and NASA was delayed due to heavy files

by alex

In the United States, the court had to postpone for a week the hearing on the lawsuit of the Blue Origin company of billionaire Jeff Bezos against the US government due to the contract between the American space agency (NASA) and Elon Musk's company SpaceX for the construction of a lunar module. The fact is that it was not possible to load all the files necessary for the process into the judicial electronic system – they weighed more than 7 GB.

According to the lawyers of the American Department of Justice, the administrative protocol in this case is “unusually voluminous” – it consists of hundreds of separate documents and weighs more than 7 GB. The US Court of Federal Claims, like other US courts, only allows files up to 50MB in size to be uploaded to its online system. The ministry will now have to transfer all the data to DVDs.

But the problem was not only the size of the data, the Ministry of Justice pointed out. Only PDF files can be uploaded to the online system, although the protocol contained many files in other formats as well. “Even if it were possible to convert all this into PDF-files, it would be necessary to upload“ several hundred ”individual documents to the judicial system,” the department explained.

Also, lawyers of the Ministry of Justice spoke about attempts to use the Adobe Acrobat program to combine individual documents into packages of PDF files of 50 MB. They noted that this would reduce the number of downloads to the system, but each of them would create “additional opportunity for system failure.”

“Although Acrobat helps the user to split PDF documents into smaller files, he cannot merge several hundred files at the same time without interruption. We have tried several different ways to create 50MB files for more efficient downloads, but this has not yielded results, ”the Justice Department said in a statement.

The agency said Blue Origin and SpaceX have agreed to postpone the hearing. At a failed meeting, the government wanted to ask the court to extend until November 8 the suspension of the contract with Musk for the construction of the module.

On August 16, Blue Origin filed a lawsuit against NASA over SpaceX's victory in a multi-billion dollar tender to build a spacecraft to send astronauts to the moon. Bezos's company and Dynetics, a company that regularly cooperates with the US Department of Defense, applied for the conclusion of the contract. Blue Origin offered to build a ship for $ 5.9 billion, and SpaceX – for $ 2.9 billion. As a result, in August NASA suspended cooperation with Musk's company until November 1.

Photo: Publicdomainpictures, CC0

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