Home » Consequences of an attack on a Russian oil depot in Adygea: satellite photos

Consequences of an attack on a Russian oil depot in Adygea: satellite photos

by alex

Russian authorities reported that the drone strike caused a fire that engulfed an area of ​​400 square meters.

The consequences of the Ukrainian strike on oil depot of the company “LUKOIL-Yugnefteprodukt” in the urban village of Enem in the Republic of Adygea was shown on satellite images.

The corresponding photographs before and after the drone strike were published by the Russian service Radio Liberty.

Photos show that at least one building was destroyed and the hangar next to it was damaged.

Последствия атаки на российскую нефтебазу в Адыгее: спутниковые фото

Последствия атаки на российскую нефтебазу в Адыгее: спутниковые фото

The publication claims that the fuel tanks themselves were not damaged.

Earlier, the head of the Russian republic of Adygea, Marat Kumpilov, reported a fire as a result of an attack that covered an area of ​​400 square meters.

Recall that this week the Security Service of Ukraine blew up four Russian oil depots at once.

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