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Components from 11 Western Companies Found in Russian Caliber: Research by International Experts

by alex

Some Western companies, despite “unprecedented sanctions” against Russia, continue to supply it with components for weapons that the Russian Federation uses to kill Ukrainians.

Components of Western-made dual-use goods continued to flow into Russia even after the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and numerous sanctions.

This is evidenced by the data of a new joint report of the International Partnership for Human Rights (IHPR) and the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission (NAKO).

Thus, components of Western-made goods have been used and continue to be used in weapons used by Russia to commit war crimes in Ukraine.

In the report, IHPR and NACO looked at numerous war crimes allegedly committed by Russian forces since the start of the full-scale invasion. At the same time, experts say that each of these crimes was committed using weapons containing Western-made components.

In particular, three Western technology companies continued to export thousands of components worth millions of dollars to Russia in November 2022. Two of these companies produce dual-use components that Russia is seeking to manufacture and repair its military equipment, and one of them produces various specific components needed by the Russian military.

Commodity trade data indicates that components manufactured by Harting, Trimble and TE Connectivity continue to be imported into Russia through official distributors or through third countries such as Hong Kong and Turkey.

Also, the data discovered and analyzed by NAKO as part of this report indicate that the Russian Kalibr cruise missile includes components manufactured by 11 foreign companies, including 9 American, as well as Swiss and Taiwanese.

It also became known that four key types of Russian weapons and weapons systems that were likely used to commit war crimes depend to varying degrees on components of Western-made dual-use goods.

“Thus, exports to Russia from Western companies producing dual-use components that the Kremlin needs have continued. Accordingly, the report concludes that the current rules and regulations aimed at limiting Russia’s access to Western dual-use technologies are not enough.” , — stated in the message on the NACO website.

Recall, on February 15, the European Commission announced “the toughest package of sanctions against the Russian Federation” that the European Union has ever introduced. The new package of restrictions for the Russian Federation will include, in particular, export bans for €11 billion. We are talking about goods that the Russian Federation cannot replace with supplies from other countries.

In addition, the EU plans to limit the export of dual-use goods and advanced technologies. We are talking about controls for new electronic components that can be used in Russian weapons systems, in particular in drones, missiles, and helicopters.

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