Home » Commanders run away, soldiers without food: SBU intercepted the conversation of Russian invaders

Commanders run away, soldiers without food: SBU intercepted the conversation of Russian invaders

by alex

Russian invaders complain about the lack of food and medical care, as well as the fact that their command abandons them.

This is evidenced by the intercepted conversation of one of the Russian occupiers, made public by the Security Service of Ukraine.

– News from the camp of the Russian occupiers: the commanders are fleeing, the soldiers are without food, weapons, money and medical care. Once again we get confirmation that the Russian invaders are being sent to their deaths… The occupiers in Ukraine are losing faith in commanders, in their army and in the leadership of the Russian Federation. They understand that no one needs them and are left to the mercy of fate. We are defending our land and moving towards victory! – noted in the SBU.

On the next tapes released by the SBU, a Russian soldier tells his parents that his command abandoned them. He also reports that his unit has no food, but managed to get water.

– We were generally thrown by our leadership, it retreated. And we were seconded to another brigade… There is water, we collected water ourselves, — the occupier said.

He also informed about the terrible battles, being surrounded, as well as the lack of proper medical care for the wounded in the Russian troops.

– I came, they (at the hospital, – Ed.) said: You don’t even have to come up, you’re walking, so go take a machine gun and go into battle again, – said the Russian invader.

Security also intercepted the wounded man's conversation a soldier of one of the brigades of the RF Armed Forces, indicating that the Russian soldiers are very demoralized and ready to shoot themselves in the legs. To do this, they are looking for Ukrainian cartridges.

The Russian invaders also complain that they are “thrown” for money and do not pay what was promised for the murder of civilians in Ukraine.

And one of the Russian prisoners informed during interrogation that the practice of “execution squads” – echelons that follow the main forces and kill soldiers who want to escape.

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