Home » “Coincidence? I don’t think so!”: Russian propagandist Kiselev asked for an interview with Biden

“Coincidence? I don’t think so!”: Russian propagandist Kiselev asked for an interview with Biden

by alex

The mouthpiece of the Kremlin propaganda proposes to "continue the dialogue between Russia and the USA".

General Director of the Russia Today media group and a person close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian VIP propagandist Dmitry Kiselev sent a request for an interview with US President Joe Biden.

Kiselyov himself announced the request sent to the White House in his characteristic pathetic and threatening manner in the “News of the Week” program on the state TV channel “Russia-1”.

In his request, the Russian propagandist refers to an interview that Putin recently gave to another, American propagandist Tucker Carlson, and proposes to “continue the dialogue between Russia and the United States.”

"Совпадение? Не думаю!": российский пропагандист Киселев попросил об интервью у Байдена

If Biden agrees, the Russian propaganda media group headed by Kiselev proposes to translate the interview into several foreign languages ​​and distribute it on its own media platforms.

“In general, US President Biden needs to respond to all this in a good way. The best and most effective option for the White House would be a mirror interview with a Russian journalist. As we say, we are waiting for an answer, like the nightingale of summer,” – summed up Kiselev on air.

As you know, the interview with the Russian dictator was conducted by a loyal journalist from the United States and a supporter of Donald Trump. Dmitry Kiselev, on the contrary, is part of the pool of propagandists closest to Vladimir Putin and takes an openly anti-American position. Back in 2014, a significant negative resonance was caused by Kiselev’s statement that Russia is the only country “capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash.”

Dmitry Kiselev was added to the EU sanctions list in the spring of 2014. He is prohibited from entering the EU territory, as well as from owning real estate and other assets in the bloc. Since 2015, he has been included in the sanctions lists of Ukraine, Switzerland and Canada, and is persona non grata in Moldova. In 2022, Kiselev was included in Australia's sanctions lists.

Even before the start of the full-scale Russian invasion two years ago, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine included the Russian propagandist Dmitry Kiselev on the list of persons posing a threat to the national security of Ukraine. And a month later, citizens of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kiselev and Olga Skabeeva were informed of suspicion of committing calls for violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, which led to grave consequences (Part 3 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Recall that American and European journalists were outraged by Tucker Carlson’s cynical statement that until now no one wanted to hear Putin’s version of the reason for the invasion of Ukraine. Journalists from major media outlets in the United States and Europe noted that they have repeatedly suggested that the Kremlin do this.

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