Home » Closed metro stations in Kyiv will be used as shelter during an air raid

Closed metro stations in Kyiv will be used as shelter during an air raid

by alex

Closed stations and lobbies of the blue line of the Kyiv metro will be used as shelter during an air raid. We are talking about stations from Demeevskaya to Teremki, where significant leaks, cracks in the track tray and tunnel frame tubes appeared.

This decision was made during an extraordinary meeting of the State Commission on Technogenic-Environmental Safety and Emergency Situations. Relevant departments have been instructed to conduct additional safety checks of such shelters.

What happened to the blue metro line in Kyiv

Due to the filtration of groundwater and the removal of rock into the tunnel in the area within Obolonsko — There is a potential threat of a man-made emergency on the Teremkovskaya line of the Kyiv metro.

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Today there is no emergency situation at six metro stations in Kyiv, but there is a threat of its occurrence, so they were closed to train traffic. Necessary steps are now being taken to prevent emergencies.

The Kiev City Military Administration must ensure the organization and transportation of the population using ground transport routes duplicating the metro between the stations Lybidska — Teremki.

Explanation Klitschko

Kiev Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said that there is no threat of flooding of the metro stations themselves in Kiev, since groundwater is located lower relative to the level of the stations, which will make it possible to work as a shelter in the event of an air raid warning.

The Kyiv metro was instructed to carry out the necessary examinations, determine the causes of the emergency and urgently carry out restoration work.

How traffic will be organized in Kyiv

Due to the closure of six metro stations in Kiev, it became necessary to introduce changes in the organization of traffic both on this section and on the busiest sections of roads.

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In Kyiv they are going to increase the capacity of public transport, adjust the timing of switching traffic lights, move public transport stops for convenience, and change some road signs.

Now the main task, especially starting Monday, is to normalize traffic and ensure control so that passengers do not experience significant discomfort.

Today there is a problem with vehicles that violate the rules and are parked on the turning circles on Lybidska Square, as well as with illegal carriers whose vehicles park on the said square.

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