Home ยป Cigarette butt or curse: what is wrong with the house in Lviv, where the deadly fire took place

Cigarette butt or curse: what is wrong with the house in Lviv, where the deadly fire took place

by alex

Shocking details of a fire in Lviv that claimed the lives of three people have appeared.

The flame broke out on the evening of December 27 on the first floor of a two-story building on Signovka Street, in the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city.

Neither the neighbors nor the rescuers knew that there were three people in the burning house. Their dead bodies were found already in the ashes.

Who lived in the apartment

The apartment was owned by 68-year-old Lyudmila, together with it was home to his own son Vadim, who was 47 years old.

The third victim of the fire was Vadim's friend, whom he invited to visit. For more than 24 hours the police have been trying to establish his identity.

The pensioner was found dead on the sofa in the living room, two men were in another room: one on the floor and the other in bed.

Now everything around the house is littered with the belongings of the victims: rescuers threw them out of the window when they put out the fire.

 A cigarette butt or a curse: what is wrong with the house in Lviv, where the deadly fire took place

The curse of the house

Local residents are stunned by the fire, but they say: this is not the first time.

Exactly three years ago, three people also died in this house. Then a man with on the first floor, before going to bed, he did not turn off the stove, and in the morning they found him dead, and even two neighbors above, along with a pet dog.

– Our neighbor went to bed, turned on the stove, and the drunk fell asleep. The stove is hot, but it must be turned off every 2-3 hours. And that's it, carbon monoxide has gone, – recalls one of the neighbors.

Many people think that the house can be cursed, since the number three has been making itself felt for the first time and always brings bad news.

Versions of the fire

There are only two versions of the tragedy between the neighbors. Either Lyudmila's son added something in their apartment (because the family has been living with disconnected gas and electricity for several years), or he and a friend were smoking in the room, and someone recklessly threw a cigarette butt on the ground.

& # 8212; It was preliminarily established that the fire occurred as a result of careless handling of fire. Expertise appointed, pre-trial investigation continues, & # 8212; the police assured.

Everyone around hopes that another tragedy will not overtake this house after the next three years. In the near future, the clothes and belongings of the deceased family destroyed by the fire will be taken off the street.

Neighbors will now carefully check their gas and electrical equipment.

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