Home » Chopping trees for sale: near Nizhyn, a man damaged 15 graves in a cemetery

Chopping trees for sale: near Nizhyn, a man damaged 15 graves in a cemetery

by alex

On the eve of the holidays in Chernihiv, a man decided to make money selling Christmas trees. To do this, he cut down dozens of New Year's trees in the cemetery.

The incident took place in the village of Khomy near Nizhyn. Local residents, whose relatives were buried in a cemetery outside the village, contacted the police.

It turned out that the businessman, cutting down Christmas trees, damaged 15 graves. Law enforcement officers recorded broken crosses, damaged monuments and grave fences.

– There were sawn branches of trees at the graves, as well as tracks from the wheels of equipment. Stumps and fragments of cut trees were also found on the territory of the cemetery, the report says.

The police did not provide any details about the identity of the detained would-be businessman.

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Criminal proceedings have been opened under part 1 of article 297 (Desecration of graves) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. If the court proves the man's guilt, he faces up to three years in prison.

The pre-trial investigation continues. Investigators do not rule out that the entrepreneur will have to bear responsibility for the unauthorized felling of trees.

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