Home » Chinese scientists have proven the ability of black tea to improve brain function

Chinese scientists have proven the ability of black tea to improve brain function

by alex

Chinese scientists have proven the ability of black tea to improve brain function

Regular consumption of black tea has a positive effect on human health and improves cognitive abilities. This is the conclusion reached by experts from Peking University, FAN reports with reference to the publication Rai Al Youm .

“Our results show that tea can help improve cognitive performance when working with complex tasks,” said one of the study's authors, psychologist Lei Wang. The experiment involved 100 people who had to solve several puzzles. Before starting the task, the participants drank either a glass of water or a cup of tea at the same temperature.

In the end, it turned out that those who drank tea did better at tasks that required creativity. “But when performing tasks of a low level of complexity, the subjects showed the same results,” the article notes.

In addition, the tea brightened up the decision process itself. As the scientists found, the volunteers who consumed this drink thought with great pleasure and interest over the puzzles.

As emphasized in the material, the results of the study are of great practical importance for people who are engaged in creativity, as well as those who are prone to overwork.

Earlier, a study by scientists from Newcastle University showed that tea improves brain function in people over 85 years old. It was found that those who drink more than five cups of tea a day have more concentration and a steady level of attention. They also demonstrated better psychomotor skills that link brain and motor function.

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