Home ยป China's “peace plan” is not about ending the war: what is the real purpose of the document

China's “peace plan” is not about ending the war: what is the real purpose of the document

by alex

China has unveiled the so-called “peace plan” for the war in Ukraine. Beijing calls it a “position paper” with recommendations that seem to help achieve peace. But this document was predicted through the concept of China's vision of global security.

Thus, political scientist Andrey Vigirinsky said in a comment to Channel 24. According to him, this is not a plan to end the war on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, the Office of the President notes that Beijing's “peace plan” is not about peace, but about freezing the war and losing Ukraine.

“This is, let's say, the general framework or principles of dialogue with the United States from China. This is, in principle, not the document that part of society expected,” he said.

Document about global things

Vigirinsky is convinced that this is about global things.

The Chinese document contains a clause “on ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants” and a call to comply with international law. In particular, the Convention on Nuclear Safety. The political scientist believes that the Chinese “peace plan” refers to nuclear security in terms of the use of nuclear weapons.

“Here we are obviously talking about the fact that Russia recently suspended “The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Strategic Offensive Weapons,” he said.

Andrey Vigirinsky noted that here we can talk about China's plans, because by 2030 it plans to become the third “superpower” by the number of warheads and nuclear weapons.

By building 280 silos for ground-based launch vehicles and intending to form a stockpile of at least 1,000 warheads, Vigirinsky noted. p>In addition, the Beijing document contains a clause regarding “respect for the sovereignties of all countries”. In this clause, the political scientist believes, it is not about the issue of sovereignty of Russia or Ukraine, but in general about the principle or concept of sovereignty.

“This is a question of the implementation of domestic and foreign policy, both by each individual subject of international law. So by Ukraine and Russia, in particular,” he said.

According to Vigirinsky, the document contains words that sound something like as “holistic security”and “rejection of the principles of opposition to specific countries by analogy with those that existed during the Cold War.” He believes that China is actually appealing to unilateral actions against itself and its interests, which the United States is doing with its allies in the bloc, for example, AUKUS – the defense alliance of the United States, Britain and Australia.

The political scientist explained what China's “peace plan” is about: watch the video as a leader of the “global South” or countries that do not agree with the liberal rules of the existence of the world, demonstrates a readiness for dialogue with the United States to streamline the systems of common collective security on common principles.

Because he feels that in relation to him and the territory, which he considers his sphere of direct interests, there is a block concentration of efforts of countries led by the United States in opposition to him, he said.

The political scientist noted that we are talking not only about the AUKUS defense bloc, but also, in particular, about the possibility of spreading “nuclear umbrella as a defense system” to South Korea and strengthening its air defense and missile defense.

“In particular, the sanctions policy as a unilateral act of an economic and political nature that cuts off China from technological advancement in parallel with the development that other countries have,” he said.

“Position document”

Vigirinsky is sure that the Chinese document speaks not so much about Ukraine, but rather about streamlining, where Ukraine is one of the examples of geopolitical military confrontation. And also about rules for ending the war.

“Both the rules and principles that will be observed at the end of the war in Ukraine, China will demand that they be observed in matters relating to directly, his spheres of interest and Taiwan,” the political scientist summed up.

China's “peace plan”: what is known

  • China 24 February published a “peace plan” for Ukraine and Russia. There are 12 points in the PRC document. China, in particular, calls to respect the sovereignty of all countries, stop hostilities and sit down at the negotiating table. They also propose to abandon the “Cold War mentality” and stop “unilateral sanctions.”
  • The United States reacted to China's document. They said they were closely following China's role in the war.
  • They commented on the “peace plan” of China and NATO. Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, said that there is no trust in China, because he did not condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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