Home » China wouldn’t really like this: can Xi influence Putin’s position in the war

China wouldn’t really like this: can Xi influence Putin’s position in the war

by alex

Will China be able to influence Russia’s position on the war in Ukraine / Collage 24 Channel

In the United States, on November 15, a meeting will take place between US President Joseph Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping. One of the topics that they will definitely discuss is the war in Ukraine. However, the question remains whether Russia is so dependent on China that Beijing could influence Moscow to stop its aggression against Ukraine.

The chief consultant of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Ivan Uss, told Channel 24 that Russia makes itself dependent on China when it turns away from the West and reorients itself to the East.

Beijing made Moscow its vassal

At the same time, if China insists that it is not satisfied with Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as Moscow’s rhetoric even about the possibility of using nuclear weapons, then it can use its leverage.

It should be noted that Russia has minimized its threats to use nuclear weapons. Previously, there have been repeated leaks in the media that China has a very negative attitude even towards the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons. This concerns the possibilities of provocation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

To a large extent, China was just explaining to Russia where the dangerous line lies that should not be crossed, explained the chief consultant of the National Institute for Strategic Studies.

Also, regarding the war in Ukraine, Xi Jinping will talk with Vladimir Putin, saying that if he wants to remain in power, it is advisable for him to leave the territory of Ukraine and continue to talk about compensation. Otherwise, there will be a risk that this war will end with a change of power in Russia.

Can Xi Jinping, after meeting with Joseph Biden, influence Russia on the war in Ukraine: watch the video

Is Russia ready for negotiations?

“In fact, China would not really like this, based on the relations that it has with Russia. After all, in fact, Beijing has made Moscow its vassal. Therefore, a change of power in the Kremlin could affect Russia’s relations with China,” Uss noted .

China may insist that the current Russian government will have to leave Ukraine as quickly as possible in order to hold on. However, will the Kremlin listen to these “recommendations” from Beijing – even despite Russia’s dependence on China?

“So far we do not see any signs that Russia is ready for negotiations, despite the fact that it is begging for them. But the Russians are “begging” for a cessation of hostilities and at the same time they will take whatever they want. This position does not suit Ukraine and our partners, and I hope that China will also explain this to Russia,” Ivan Uss emphasized.

What is known about Joseph Biden's meeting with Xi Jinping

  • US and Chinese leaders are scheduled to meet on November 15 in San Francisco during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.
  • Biden and Xi Jinping may touch upon issues of bilateral relations between the countries and, in particular, direct contact between the military of the United States and the PRC. They will also discuss global and regional issues.
  • Earlier it was reported that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang came to the United States for the first time in 5 years. He met with President Biden and discussed the upcoming meeting between the US leader and the Chinese leader.
  • In addition, Xi Jinping addressed in his letter to the National Committee on US-China Relations, headquartered in New York. He pointed out the need for more stable bilateral ties between China and the United States, which should be based on the principles of “mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation.”

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