Home » China will never attack Ukraine and will provide support – Chinese Ambassador

China will never attack Ukraine and will provide support – Chinese Ambassador

by alex

Chinese representative in Ukraine Fang Xianrong at a meeting in the Lviv Regional Military Administration, announced the support of the way, which Ukraine has chosen and about assistance, in particular, in the economic direction, according to the LODA website.

China will never attack Ukraine, we will help, in particular, in the economic direction. In one year, our country imports goods from all over the world worth more than three trillion dollars. We are ready to help you develop. In the situation that you now have, we will act responsibly. We have seen how great is the unity of the Ukrainian people, and hence its strength, — said Fang Xianrong

China and Ukraine are strategic partners, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. China is a friendly country for the Ukrainian people. As an ambassador, I can responsibly say that China will forever remain a good force for Ukraine, both economically and politically. We will always respect your state, we will develop relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We will respect the path chosen by the Ukrainians, because this is the sovereign right of every nation, — the ambassador added.

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He also said that the Chinese embassy had moved from Kyiv to Lvov and remained there to work.

Recall that the day before, the US President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin a war criminal for the first time.

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