Home » China will adhere to neutrality towards Ukraine and will not be subjected to external pressure – the country's Foreign Ministry

China will adhere to neutrality towards Ukraine and will not be subjected to external pressure – the country's Foreign Ministry

by alex

In China, they say that the republic will facilitate negotiations between Ukraine and Russia in order to end hostilities as soon as possible.

China rejects all accusations made against it by other countries and will not be subjected to pressure that the international community is trying to do to Beijing.

This was stated by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Interfax writes.

“China will continue to make independent judgments based on the substance of the matter in an objective and fair manner. We will never accept any external coercion and pressure, and we also oppose any unfounded accusations and suspicions against China,” Wang Yi said.< /p>

According to him, China has always maintained peace around the world and consistently opposed war. Chinese President Xi Jinping said this to US President Joe Biden during their last conversation.

So, in particular, Xi Jinping told Biden that “all parties should jointly promote dialogue and negotiations between the parties (the war in Ukraine – ed.) in order to end hostilities as soon as possible, avoid civilian casualties and prevent a humanitarian crisis.”

Wang Yi stressed that China's position on the war in Ukraine is “objective and fair, it meets the wishes of most countries.”

“Time will prove that China, taking such a position, is on on the right side of history,” the Chinese Foreign Minister stressed.

Recall that on March 18, US resident Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping held a two-hour video conversation, during which, in particular, they discussed the war in Ukraine unleashed by Russia. This happened a few days after the United States suggested that the PRC could provide Russia with the military and financial assistance that the Russian Federation requested for the war in Ukraine.

After that, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Le Yuchen believes that Western sanctions against Russia over the invasion of Ukraine are becoming more and more outrageous. In addition, according to him, the expansion of NATO to the east drives this nuclear state “to a dead end”.

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