Home » China rebuked the US for “waving sanctions baton” because of Ukraine

China rebuked the US for “waving sanctions baton” because of Ukraine

by alex

Chinese Foreign Ministry accuses US of artificially creating tense atmosphere around Ukraine

Wang Wenbin. Photo: Tingshu Wang / Reuters

The artificial creation of a tense atmosphere around Ukraine and “waving the baton of sanctions” do not contribute to a diplomatic settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. This was stated by the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin, reports TASS.

“Agitation for bloc confrontation and brandishing the baton of sanctions only increase the force of friction for the process of dialogue and negotiations,” the diplomat said, reproaching Washington for spreading false information about the supposedly imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.

A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry accused the US administration of “speculating and exaggerating on the subject of the crisis.” He called on the United States to play a constructive role “in finding a way for a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue on the basis of the new Minsk agreements.”

Earlier, China supported Russia's proposals on security guarantees in Europe. This was stated in a joint statement following the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

According to the statement, China and Russia oppose the further expansion of NATO and call on the organization to abandon the ideological approaches of the Cold War era. The parties also call on the North Atlantic Alliance to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries.

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