Home » China is “slowly absorbing Russian territories”: the economist predicted what awaits the Russian Federation

China is “slowly absorbing Russian territories”: the economist predicted what awaits the Russian Federation

by alex

People in Russia are “very happy about Putin’s visit to China,” but the economist warns them.

China “leases” Russian lands in Siberia, but has no intention of returning them.

This opinion was expressed by Candidate of Economic Sciences Ivan Uss, Espresso reports.

“In Russia, they are very happy about Putin’s visit to China. Since he has not traveled anywhere recently. For Russia, this is a more demonstrative visit. However, for China, this is an opportunity to slowly absorb Russian territory. Indeed, the Chinese are not taking it away, but simply renting it. However, then they are unlikely to return it,” he believes.

The economist also explained why the Chinese refuse to build a gas pipeline in Russia.

“Six months ago, the Russians proposed building a second branch. To which the Chinese responded that they were not against it if the Russians built it at their own expense. Beijing also said that perhaps they would not buy gas from the new branch. After all, they remember the history of the EU very well and the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline,” he noted.

As Reuters previously reported, China was suspected of gas sabotage in the Baltic Sea.

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