Home ยป China has replaced Russian engines

China has replaced Russian engines

by alex

Chengdu J-20

China has learned to create its own engines for the fifth generation fighter J-20, which, compared with its previous developments have enhanced stealth features, more power and thrust vectoring, The Drive writes, referring to the Chinese press, and private sources.

In publishing it is reported that before the end of the year, China plans to produce six prototypes of the J-20B, which, instead of Russian engines will get Chinese. In The Drive believe that this fact means that China has been able to replace Russian engines on their own.

Presumably, the new engine based on the engine WS-10, which is equipped with Chinese fourth generation fighter J-10. According to the publication, the improvement will allow the aircraft J-20B on the manoeuvrability to get close to Russian (su-35) and American (F-22 Raptor) fighters.

In July, the President of the Military Engines division of the American Pratt & Whitney said that the company developed a programme Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP) three-loop engine with adaptive cycle XA101 represents the future of power plants, including military.

In November 2018 East Pendulum user tweeted the video, which shows the implementation of a fighter J-10B (mounted with a Russian engine) during demonstration flights at the AirShow China 2018 aerobatics “Cobra Pugacheva” and “maple leaf”.

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