Home » China has a cunning calculation: as evidenced by its strategy of relations with Russia

China has a cunning calculation: as evidenced by its strategy of relations with Russia

by alex

China is trying not to get involved in direct confrontation with the West, so as not to receive secondary sanctions. However, Beijing has not abandoned its strategy of bringing China to the top position by 2049, the centenary of the Communist Party.

About this 24 Channel said diplomat and international affairs expert Ruslan Osipenko. He explained what China wants now and who it is for Russia.

China wants to become an absolute leader

There is currently a recession in China, and if Beijing still receives a blow to the financial system, this will further undermine the socio-political stability and influence of the Communist Party within the country. Therefore, it is not in China’s interests to establish active cooperation with Russia.

Recession is a macroeconomic term, a phase of the economic cycle during which there is a general decline in economic activity.

At the same time, despite temporary economic problems, the Chinese are strengthening internal control, talking more aggressively about the possibility of Taiwan's return.

The idea is for China to become a leader in new global economy, but for this it is necessary to destroy the old system, where the United States of America is in the lead,” Osipenko noted. with China's strategy for its leadership. Therefore, the PRC calmly looks at what Russia is doing, because Moscow is destroying the old order, clearing the way for Beijing’s leadership.

For China, cooperation with the West is more profitable

China needs to be explained that Russia is an empire that is falling . So, Beijing will gain more from cooperation with the West than from cooperation with Moscow. First of all, the aggressor country is an unreliable ally. In addition, trade with Russia is 240 billion, and trade with the West is more than a trillion.

It is not profitable for China to quarrel with the West, where there are main markets sales for the industrial base he was building by making reforms at home and modernizing his economy. If there are no sales markets in the United States and Europe, then enterprises will have to close. In this case, Beijing will not be able to implement its strategic plans, the diplomat said.

By the way, Ukraine also ensures food security for China. Beijing received all Soviet technology largely from Kyiv. We have a Declaration of Strategic Cooperation from 2011, a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation from 2013.

Soon a summit will be held to discuss the Ukrainian peace formula at the level of state leaders. According to an international affairs expert, Chinese leader Xi Jinping is unlikely to take part in this event, because Beijing has its own “peace plan” of 12 steps.

In China they believe that Zelensky’s peace formula was developed by the West. If China supports it, it will consider itself to have submitted to Western opinion. However, China’s rhetoric is very flexible, which means it can change,” Osipenko noted.

It is possible that in the Chinese “peace plan” additional points may appear in which, for example , we will talk about the withdrawal of Russian troops and responsibility for Russian war crimes.

How China contributes to peace

  • Chinese Special Representative Li Hui began a tour on March 2, during which he should visit the headquarters of the European Union, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia.
  • The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Beijing has not given up on its efforts to promote peace and has never stopped facilitating negotiations.
  • At the same time While Beijing is trying to promote peace, Russian troops have been practicing the scenario of invading China. The other day there was a leak of information from military files. They say that Russia conducted training in the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the early stages of a conflict with a “great world power.”

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