Home ยป China detects live coronavirus on frozen food for the first time

China detects live coronavirus on frozen food for the first time

by alex

For the first time, a live coronavirus was found on frozen food packaging in China. This is the first time it has been confirmed outside the laboratory that COVID-19 can persist on packaging for a long time, according to the website of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The coronavirus persisted on the packaging of imported frozen cod. It is noted that in contact with such packaging, a person can become infected.

“The detection of live coronavirus on frozen food packaging in Qingdao is the first time it has been confirmed outside the laboratory that the new coronavirus can persist on packaging for a long time under special conditions,” the center's website said.

However, the CDC noted that there have been no cases of coronavirus infection in the world as a result of contact with frozen food. It is assumed that the risk of such infection is very low. Experts still advised people who work with frozen foods not to touch them without protective equipment. They were also reminded of the general safety rules: do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes until you take off your work clothes, which could get the virus.

Earlier, scientists from the University of Liverpool identified a factor that six times increases the risk of death from coronavirus. We are talking about the sequential illness of influenza and COVID-19.

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