Home » Chernobaevka – the land of the Cossacks: the history of the village, where the Russian troops are defeated one after another

Chernobaevka – the land of the Cossacks: the history of the village, where the Russian troops are defeated one after another

by alex

suffer a crushing defeat when trying to capture this territory.

Chernobaevka is located 11 km from Kherson. The military airfield in Chernobaevka was temporarily captured by the enemy: it is there that the command post of the Russian troops and the assembly point for aircraft and helicopters are located.

At the same time, this did not prevent the Ukrainian defenders on March 22 for the eighth time to hit the occupied Chernobaevka airfield. ICTV facts tell the story of the village of Chernobaevka and why it became the site of continuous defeats of the Russian Federation.

The official date of the emergence of the village of Chernobaevka is August 18, 1782. Then the territory of Kherson was part of the Russian Empire.

The name Chernobaevka comes from the surname of the Zaporozhian Sich Cossack Peter Chernobay.According to ancient legends, the Turks gave such a nickname to the Cossack: black – because of the menacing look, bai – lord. Both the Turks and the Tatars knew well what the meeting with the Cossacks of Chernobay threatened.

For military successes and courage, Catherine II awarded him a plot of land near Kherson. After that, a new settlement appears on the maps Chernobaevye Khutora.

Chernobaevka — the land of the Cossacks: the history of the village, where the troops of the Russian Federation are defeated one after another

In the 19th century, the population of the farms of Chernobay numbered about 4.5 thousand people. The inhabitants were engaged in agriculture and raised cattle, the men were also engaged in the extraction of limestone in local quarries.

When the Russian Empire collapsed in 1917, Chernobaevka itself changed radically.

Historians have calculated: in just three years (we are talking about the revolutionary years of 1917-1920) state power in Kherson and its environs was established eight times.

Shortly before the formation of the USSR in the winter of 1920 in Chernobaevka established Soviet power. Like the rest of the Ukrainian regions, the Kherson region suffered the calamity of collectivization and the Holodomor.

Nazi occupation during the German-Soviet war in Chernobaevka lasted from August 1941 until March 1944.

Already in the post-war period, local residents organizedly rebuilt the destroyed Chernobaevka, and a memorial memorial was opened on the site of the mass grave of the defenders of the village.

Aleksey Kirichenko can be considered the most famous native of Chernobaevka — he became the first Ukrainian in history to be elected general secretary, that is, the head of Soviet Ukraine.

During the thaw and stagnation, Chernobaevka was famous for its table wines, bread and conservation.

After the restoration of independence in 1991, the village had about 9 thousand inhabitants. Currently, Chernobaevka is considered one of the largest villages in Ukraine.

In 2006, Kherson Airport, located in Chernobaevka, received international status. By the beginning of the full-scale war, the annual passenger flow of the airport was more than 150 thousand people.

On February 24, 2022, Russian troops launched a missile and bomb attack on the airport.

Fighting for Chernobaevka

For the third week near Chernobaevka, fighting has continued in the area of ​​​​the military airfield. Here is a chronology of events that have become one of the most shameful pages in the history of the “Second Army of the World”.

February 27 – The Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated Russian troops and military helicopters.


March 7 – The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed about 30 helicopters of Putin's invaders. Subsequently, a second strike took place, the equipment of the Russian Federation was destroyed for the third time.

March 16 – The Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated 7 more Russian combat helicopters.

18 March – The Armed Forces of Ukraine again smashed enemy military equipment, as well as the commander of the Russian army, General Andrey Mordvichev. In the evening, the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was repeated, the duty landing of the Russian Federation was liquidated.

March 21 — for the seventh time the Armed Forces of Ukraine defeated the equipment and personnel of the Russian invaders.

March 22 — the eighth precision air strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, once again defeating the occupiers. The personnel and military equipment have been destroyed, the losses of the enemy are being established.

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