Home » Chances of extending Trump's term due to the recount of votes were assessed

Chances of extending Trump's term due to the recount of votes were assessed

by alex

The official announcement of the winner of the presidential elections in the United States may be postponed for a long time due to litigation and recounts in certain states, RBC writes about this with reference to experts.

According to Alexandra Filippenko, senior fellow at the Institute for the United States and Canada, Americanist Alexandra Filippenko, the likelihood of a recount in Michigan and Wisconsin is extremely high. She believes the process could take several weeks. “If the victory of Joe Biden is obvious, regardless of the recount of votes, then the Supreme Court of these states will not go to recount,” she said.

In turn, the head of the Center for North American Studies of the Institute of Economics and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victoria Zhuravleva stressed that the deadline for the end of the recount of votes is the beginning of January. According to her, each state has its own rules and requirements for counting and recounting votes, which are controlled by the judicial authorities. Zhuravleva noted that in case of filing claims and recounting the votes, the winner of the presidential election will not be announced until its end.

According to the corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences, Americanist Sergei Sudakov, it is practically impossible to challenge the election results in the United States. “I believe that, of course, he will go to court. But he will be suing the US President-elect. That will greatly complicate the litigation process, ”he said.

Earlier on November 7, Biden, who received 273 of the required 270 electoral votes and thus secured his victory, declared himself elected President of the United States.

Donald Trump said he hopes to regain his leading position in several states through the courts. According to the head of state, he was leading by a wide margin in several states on the evening of election day, and then a few days later this gap “miraculously evaporated.”

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