Home ยป Center “Vector” has discovered more than 16 thousand potential mutations of the coronavirus

Center “Vector” has discovered more than 16 thousand potential mutations of the coronavirus

by alex

More than 16 thousand potential mutations of the coronavirus have been discovered in Russia. Rinat Maksyutov, Director General of the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor, reported TASS. The center is the developer of the EpiVacCorona vaccine.

“More than 16 thousand potential mutations of the coronavirus have been discovered,” he said, adding that only vaccination can resist such a spread of mutations.

In January, Rospotrebnadzor reported that virologists had detected more than 1.5 thousand coronavirus mutations in Russia.

Then the head of the department Anna Popova drew attention to the statements of scientists who say that in other countries the coronavirus is sequenced much more actively (they secrete proteins and amino acids to describe the structure of the virus) and identify its new mutations. In her opinion, it makes no sense to study each virus from either an analytical or an economic point of view.

In June, authorities announced the discovery of an Indian strain of coronavirus in Russia. In particular, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that 90% of new cases in the capital were infected with the Indian version of COVID. According to virologists, the Indian strain is much more dangerous and aggressive than the Wuhan virus due to its faster spread and more severe lung damage.

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