Home » “Catheter” in Biden's sleeve turned out to be a memory of his deceased son

“Catheter” in Biden's sleeve turned out to be a memory of his deceased son

by alex

Joe Biden

The object that was noticed under the sleeve on the wrist of US presidential candidate Joe Biden during a televised debate and was mistaken for a catheter is in fact the beads of his deceased son Bo. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to Western media.

“It's Bo's beads,” Biden’s headquarters spokesman Andrew Bates told reporters. Biden mentioned that since 2015, after the death of his son, he constantly wears these rosaries in memory of him. The rosary was reportedly bought by his other son, Hunter, for the Democrat.

Earlier, journalists reported on a mysterious thing on the presidential candidate's hand during a debate with US President Donald Trump. In addition to the version of the venous catheter, it has been suggested that this is some kind of device for prompting.

The second debate of candidates for the presidency of the American state will be held on October 15 in Miami, Florida, the third – in Nashville, Tennessee. The US presidential election will take place on November 3.

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