< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/455/tsn-7D69491ed57b2E0922B41D97A86/THUMBS/1036X648/E9/122C61118CD48FEB1CB1477 4D3A9E3E967.JPEG " />< p > < strong > woman who enjoyed the vacation, saw the opportunity to take a beautiful photo.
~ 60 > Despite the fact that last year has become “exclusively” exclusively Calm “about < strong > sharks of sharks , in 2025 the first attacks of predators on people have already occurred. < p > < p > one tourist received more than counting, after she climbed into the ocean to pose for a photo next to the shark, but the animal attacked it and tear off both hands with one bite, reports Daily Star. < /p > < p > woman whose name is not called, but it is believed that she is from Canada, enjoyed the sun on the beach on the island of Terx and Kaikos. She saw a great opportunity to take a picture next to the shark floating near the shore, but everything turned against her.< p > 55-year-old traveler allegedly tried to “make contact” with the beast and take a photo before he struck. Her family, who stood on the shore, as they say, became a witness to the attack before her husband jumped and tried to prevent the repeated attack of the shark. < p > < p >In the photo from the scene, it is clear that the woman lies on the sandy shore surrounded by visitors to the beach. All of them pressed her hands with a cloth, trying to stop severe bleeding.
60 ~ img class = “C-Card__mbed__g” src = “https://img.tsn.ua/cted– 7D69491ED57B2EEBE0922B41D97A86/Thumbs/608xx/67/E9/E9/122C6118CD48CD48FEB1474D3A967.jpeg “608” Height = “799” ALT = “Akula CU/Photo: MagneticMEDITV/© “>< p > although official Details have not yet been reported, according to the estimates of local authorities, the shark was about two meters long. The rocks of the shark is still unknown, but according to unconfirmed messages on the Internet, it can be assumed that it was a stupid shark, often found off the coast of the island.
< p > “I was there for 40 minutes, and it still did not disappear,” one of the witnesses told the local news site after the incident. 62> the police said that the victim was pulled ashore and delivered to the medical center for treatment. She was amputated one hand to her wrist, and the other to the middle of the forearm, and now she receives medical care in Canada. 62> man who was at the scene, said that she could reach the shore after a bite. He added that she was bitten on her thigh, but she did not lose her leg.
< p > when her husband beat the shark to scare her away, she, according to him, simply circled around and attacked the woman again.
< p > police and environmental authorities confirmed the attack in the waters of the Thompsons Coov beach around 10:30 a.m. on Friday, February 7.
< p > Recall, recently there was < Strong > the largest white shark male in the world . The length of the content is 420 cm, and the weight is approximately 750 kg.< h4 > similar topics:
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