Despite the sharp rise in the number of corona infections, the government advised on Monday for possible further easing. An immediate opening of the gastronomy in the whole country is to be expected just as little as that cultural and leisure facilities will be able to open their doors again soon. However, it cannot be ruled out that there will be a stronger regional distinction again and that there will be relief in youth sport.
Image: APA (Anschober)
The government has recently come under pressure from both sides. Both ÖVP and SPÖ governors, as well as business and sports and cultural initiatives, had urged opening steps, if possible in mid-March, but no later than Easter. In contrast, almost all virologists and epidemiologists warned against easing. The traffic light commission even suggested that openings be withdrawn should the numbers continue to rise.
The Sunday value of over 2,100 was the highest on this weekday of this year. The seven-day incidence per 100,000 population rose to 158. As a reminder, the government originally wanted to end the strict lockdown only when the value fell below 50. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) spoke on Sunday of an “alarming trend reversal”.
As usual, the government will initially consult medical experts on Monday. Then the opposition is involved via video conference, after all, the governors are guests in the Chancellery. At this meeting, the measures will be finalized and then made known to the public (probably around 5 p.m.).