Home » Carla Bruni admitted that she keeps her mouth shut when communicating with Nicolas Sarkozy

Carla Bruni admitted that she keeps her mouth shut when communicating with Nicolas Sarkozy

by alex

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy met Carla Bruni in 2007 at a dinner party hosted by his friends and business partners.

At that time, Sarkozy was going through the process of divorce from his wife, with whom he lived together for 25 years. Bruni also just broke up with her boyfriend, from whom she gave birth to a son. And, as the guests recall, that evening Sarkozy and Bruni did not leave each other a single step. They joked, drank wine, and were generous with compliments.

Less than a month later, they began to appear together at official holidays and receptions. And in 2008 they got married.

During Sarkozy's presidency, Bruni, a former top model and singer who became the first lady of France, has always carried herself with dignity. She temporarily forgot about her musical career, devoting herself entirely to her husband.

“You know, Nicolas is very impulsive,” Karla said in an interview. – And I am the same, but over time I learned to keep my mouth shut. I try not to argue with my spouse, we always try to negotiate. This is the secret of our relationship.

In 2011, the couple had a daughter. And soon Nicolas Sarkozy left the post of President of France. And then the spiteful critics began to predict the divorce of the star couple. But this did not happen.

Friends of the couple say that after Sarkozy retired from politics, their relationship with Karla has only improved.

The former first lady returned to the stage: she is recording new songs, shooting videos. On her social media page, there are more and more photos from quiet family gatherings.

Carla Bruni supported her husband during the trial, during which he was sentenced to prison for illegally financing his presidential campaign in 2012.

“We don’t react to the noise around us,” Bruni admits. – The main thing is what is inside us and our family. This is our path that we have been walking happily for many years.

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