Home » Cancer-Preventing Drink Revealed

Cancer-Preventing Drink Revealed

by alex

American scientists have reported that ginger tea has medicinal properties that lower cholesterol and cancer risk. In addition, the drink is able to relieve joint pain. He writes about this with reference to the US National Library of Medicine.

According to numerous studies, ginger has anti-cancer properties due to the substance gingerol, which is found in the root of the plant. Scientists have found that ginger is twice as beneficial when combined with green tea.

During the experiment, it turned out that 30 people who consumed two grams of ginger extract per day significantly decreased their risk of bowel cancer due to the beneficial effects of this plant on the organ. Ginger also helps control high blood pressure due to its salicylate, a blood thinner component of aspirin.

In addition, the plant can be used as a natural remedy that helps relieve pain and strengthen the immune system.

Earlier, oncologist Mikhail Myasnyankin called a way to determine cancer by the appearance of the nails. According to him, the main sign of cancer that can be seen on the nails is the appearance of stripes of different colors, from brown to black, in the area of the nail bed. The specialist also recommended paying attention to brittle nails and cracks. The doctor added that the application of shellac, during which the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light, can provoke the development of cancer.

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