An organization called the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs (CAPUD) filed a lawsuit in which it accused the government of the overdose epidemic and demanded a complete decriminalization of articles related to the possession and sale of illegal substances of all types.
According to representatives of CAPUD, deaths from drug overdose are caused by the fact that drug addicts have to buy them on the black market, where no one controls the quality of the “product”, and no one can be held accountable for the death of people.
“It's time to decriminalize drugs across Canada. CAPUD is filing a lawsuit against Canada to remove criminal punishment for drug use, ”the organization's social media page says.
The association's website says that all members of the organization (including the board and staff) use drugs without exception, and the main task of the association, in addition to decriminalizing illegal substances, is to fight for the rights of drug addicts in modern society.
– We strive to reduce the oppressive social conditions faced by people who use drugs and emphasize the need for their direct participation in public policy decisions. We focus on the strengths, talents and merits of our members as we build a better future for people who use drugs.
According to Canadian press reports, the claim is being reviewed by the Maple Leaf Country Department of Justice.