Home » Can China start supplying weapons to Ukraine and is it possible to compete with the United States: an expert's answer

Can China start supplying weapons to Ukraine and is it possible to compete with the United States: an expert's answer

by alex

Zhdanov believes that China will also not supply weapons to Russia, which has been repeatedly reported in the media.

Military expert Oleg Zhdanov believes that China will not supply weapons to the Ukrainian military for several reasons. The first of them is that the Ukrainians themselves have chosen the West, and Beijing cannot provide military support along with the EU countries and the United States.

Zhdanov said this live on his YouTube channel.

“The fact is that Ukraine is such a tasty morsel that China no longer has a place. We had to choose: either be friends with China or with the West. We chose the second option. Therefore, Beijing will not enter here in any way, especially without the consent of our Ukrainian partners .Second, China's policy is such that it always waits. It is never offensive. All the wars that China has waged have almost all been lost. They are not aggressive. The export of war is not theirs. I think that they and Russia will not send weapons The Chinese are not so stupid and militarily ready to be accused of starting a war,” he explained.

Recall, US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Daniel Kritenbrink said that the Chinese satellite company Spacety, blacklisted by the United States, was transmitting satellite images of the Wagner PPK.

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