Home ยป Called the timing of the emergence of American vaccines against coronavirus

Called the timing of the emergence of American vaccines against coronavirus

by alex

A vaccine for the coronavirus of the U.S. production is unlikely to be registered by November. This was announced by the head of the National institutes of health Francis Collins, his words are reports Reuters.

According to him, such terms are related to the fact that the development of vaccines requires large-scale clinical trials. So, Collins said that the study will require the participation of 10 thousand volunteers. This number of subjects will allow you to gather information on the safety and efficacy of the drug.

Meanwhile, the first Russian vaccine is already registered on 11 August, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. It will be available for citizens from January 2021. According to the head of the state, the vaccination will be carried out only on a voluntary basis. He also said that the drug experienced one of his daughters.

Russian development was interested in abroad. However, the United States questioned its safety. Pharmaceutical companies were urged to postpone the registration of vaccination, since its quality is still unknown.

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