Home » Buzzfeed takes over

Buzzfeed takes over

by alex

Collaboration on online content and advertising.

The media group Buzzfeed takes over the “Huffpost” web portal from the telecommunications giant Verizon. The US companies announced a corresponding agreement on Thursday in New York, without giving any financial details. The deal also provides Verizon with a minority stake in Buzzfeed.

Both groups want to work together in a strategic partnership on online content and advertising in the future. For Buzzfeed boss Jonah Peretti, the cooperation is a kind of reunification – he once co-founded the “Huffpost”.

The portal, which was launched in 2005 as the “Huffington Post” and named after the co-founder and long-time editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington, ceased its German edition at the end of March 2019. Buzzfeed put its German business up for public sale in April 2020 and handed it over to the Ippen publishing group in August.

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