Home » Bulgarian Parliament declares Cyrillic as Bulgarian alphabet

Bulgarian Parliament declares Cyrillic as Bulgarian alphabet

by alex

The Bulgarian parliament declared the Cyrillic alphabet to be the Bulgarian alphabet: most of the deputies voted to rename the holiday on May 24 from the “Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavic Alphabet” to the “Day of Bulgarian Written Language, Education and Culture”. Balkansky Obozrevatel writes about this in its Facebook.

73 deputies voted for, four against, and 34 abstained. If the law is adopted, the changes will affect the Labor Code in terms of national holidays.

According to the United Patriots coalition, members of the Communist Party invented May 24 as a holiday of Slavic writing, but in fact, Cyrillic should be declared the Bulgarian alphabet. The parliament believes that it should be recognized as such, since the Cyrillic alphabet “was created in Bulgaria and replaced the verb.”

“Today, not only the strength of armies and economic strength determine the place of the country in the world, there is another significant and important force – the power of spiritual and intangible values. Strength of mind can be a much more powerful weapon than missiles and nuclear weapons, ”said one of the deputies, Milen Mikhov.

Another deputy, Krasimir Bogdanov, also considered the Cyrillic alphabet to be a purely Bulgarian work. He called on the people of the country for broad national support.

“We shouldn't suffer from complexes! Do not forget that Slavophilism is a political doctrine of another state, which has its own imperial goals and intentions since the time of Peter the Great, ”Bogdanov added.

In April 2017, the then President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, instructed the government to draw up a timetable for the transition of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin. It is believed that this will not affect the position of the Russian language.

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