Home » British locksmith reproduced the technique of the builders of Stonehenge

British locksmith reproduced the technique of the builders of Stonehenge

by alex

British locksmith reproduced the technique of the builders of Stonehenge

British locksmith Stephen Tasker said he had uncovered the secret of the builders of Stonehenge. According to him, they transported huge stones over considerable distances using a special machine that defied gravity, according to BBC News.

Tasker designed and built a prototype device that could be used by ancient craftsmen. He put it to the test and managed to lift a load weighing a third of a ton.

“In theory, it can move any weight,” emphasized the locksmith.

Tasker has been fascinated by history for many years and has long studied the question of how megalithic structures were built. He suggested that the clue lies in historical artifacts, the true purpose of which archaeologists have not been able to establish. For example, stone rollers and “sledges” for dragging objects could have been part of an ancient hoisting machine.

Tasker received additional information from the Old Testament. It described “a vision of God carried over on cherubim” with four wings and “feet in the form of the sole of a calf's foot.” The inventor concluded that this is a metaphorical description of a primitive lifting mechanism.

The “four wings” are wooden planks moving from both sides. “Legs” are the support over which the center of gravity is held.

Tasker noted that such a device is capable of covering 2.4 kilometers per day. Recent research has shown that Stonehenge boulders were brought from the Preseli Mountains. This would have taken several months using the machine. Independent experts have studied the Tasker model and concluded that it is quite viable – although it is no longer possible to accurately prove that the builders of Stonehenge used something similar.

Earlier, scientists found out that Stonehenge was erected from the wreckage of an older Welsh monument. Its remains lie 300 kilometers from cromlech.

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