Home » British journalist accused Truss of ignorance at the talks in Moscow

British journalist accused Truss of ignorance at the talks in Moscow

by alex

The journalist pointed out the ignorance of British Foreign Minister Truss during a visit to Moscow

Liz Truss. Photo: Mark Thomas / Keystone Press Agency / Global Look Press

British journalist Mary Dejevsky accused British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss of ignorance and arrogance at the talks in Moscow. The article was published in Spiked.

According to Dejevsky, during her visit to Moscow, Truss “was able to confirm all the negative Russian prejudices about British diplomacy.” In particular, it is “arrogance, coldness and attachment to hypocritical sermons about 'values',” she elaborated. “She added something else to this list – ignorance,” the journalist said.

So, Dejevsky recalled that during a conversation with Russian colleague Sergei Lavrov, Truss refused to recognize Russia's sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov regions. In her opinion, this mistake raised the question of the purpose of the visit to Russia. “Why fly from London to snowy Moscow and claim that British officials have been talking about Russia and Ukraine for weeks? And in the end, randomly demonstrate that you do not understand what you are talking about? she protested.

The journalist suggested that the minister came to Moscow out of personal interests. According to her, Truss wanted to behave in the style of the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, but she lacked firmness, straightforwardness and knowledge of facts.

Earlier, Irish journalist Brian McDonald called the appearance of Liz Truss ridiculous during a visit to Moscow. He pointed out that on that day in Moscow it was plus 2 degrees, but the minister was dressed in a fur hat and a fur coat.

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