Home » British intelligence has named the main risks of the stay of infidels at the ZNPP

British intelligence has named the main risks of the stay of infidels at the ZNPP

by alex

Zaporozhye NPP is still under Russian occupation. The capture of the plant continues to pose risks to nuclear security.

According to intelligence from the British Ministry of Defense, the invaders are concentrating their equipment near the 5th power unit of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the Russians want to hide their equipment at the station.

What risks does the occupation of the ZNPP pose?

The UK believes that Russia will use any military activity at Zaporozhye Nuclear power plants for propaganda purposes – the occupiers are trying to convince not only their citizens, but also the world that Ukraine is allegedly behind the shelling of the station.

In addition to the constant provocative shelling by the Russian side, the occupation of the station carries other risks. In particular, British intelligence notes that the main risk is possible failures in the operation of cooling reactors, damage to backup power sources or errors in the work of station workers who are forced to work under pressure.

Occupation of the ZNPP: the main thing

The largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine and Europe has been under Russian occupation since March. From the beginning of August, the Russians began shelling the territory of the ZNPP in Energodar, blaming Ukraine for the attacks. the occupiers are engaged in nuclear terrorism.

To increase pressure, Russia announced “large-scale provocations” from the supposedly Ukrainian side, but all the Kremlin's statements should be taken exactly the opposite. In order to increase the blackmail, the occupiers declare days off at the ZNPP twice a week – on August 19 and 23.

The IAEA announced that their mission should go to the ZNPP in the coming days.

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