Home » British billionaire appreciated the space race with the richest man in the world

British billionaire appreciated the space race with the richest man in the world

by alex

Richard Branson

British billionaire Richard Branson on CNN assessed the space race with the world's richest man and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

“I would be very happy to see him [Bezos] fly, I think we both wish each other only good. It doesn't matter if I start a few days earlier, ”Branson said.

It was reported to Rana that Branson decided to get ahead of Bezos in space. If all goes according to plan, Virgin Galactic creator Branson will be the first billionaire to leave the planet. As part of the Unity 22 mission, they are preparing to send a full team of six people: there should be two pilots and four passengers, one of whom will be Branson himself. Before the flight, the 70-year-old businessman must pass all the same checks that are provided for other Virgin Galactic astronauts.

Bezos's Blue Origin flight is due on July 20. According to the plan, the spacecraft will take off from a cosmodrome in Texas and rise to an altitude of 105 kilometers from the surface of the planet, on average it should take 10-15 minutes.

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