Home » Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

by alex

Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

Ontario, Canada's largest region, is reintroducing a tough lockdown due to the third wave of coronavirus. All hairdressing salons, beauty salons, gyms will be closed for 28 days. Cafes and restaurants will only be able to sell takeaway. It is forbidden to visit and gather on the street in groups of more than five people, according to the MIR 24 TV channel.

Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

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    Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus


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    Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus

    Brazilian President Refuses to Introduce Lockdown Due to Coronavirus


    And Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro believes that the death of four thousand patients with coronavirus in one day is not a reason to impose any restrictions in the country. The head of the country, where the coronavirus claimed the lives of 340 thousand citizens, does not see the infection as a big threat.

    “We are not going to put up with this policy – stay at home, close everything. The virus won't go away. Like the others, he will stay for life. It is almost impossible to eradicate it. I can give an order for national isolation, but this will not happen, ”the Brazilian leader said.

    Brazilians are unhappy with this approach to the problem. A protest action was held at the National Museum of the country today. The words “Vaccine now” and the death toll from the coronavirus were projected onto the dome of the building.

    Only mass vaccination of the population can help the Brazilians. On the initiative of the Brazilian side, a conversation took place yesterday between Jair Bolsonaro and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They discussed the issue of registration of the Sputnik V vaccine, its supply and production.

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