Home ยป Brakes refused: a man was sentenced to 110 years in prison for a fatal road accident

Brakes refused: a man was sentenced to 110 years in prison for a fatal road accident

by alex

The driver of the van could not brake and flew into the cars that got stuck in a traffic jam.

A US court sentenced 26-year-old truck driver Rogel Aguilera-Mederos to 110 years behind bars in a fatal accident that killed 4 people. After the publicity of the case, more than 5 million people signed a petition asking to mitigate the punishment.

This was reported by CNN.

The accident happened back in April 2019. Aguilera Mederos was driving a lumber semi-trailer. According to the driver, his brakes failed, and according to eyewitnesses, he tried to pull over to the side of the road, but flew into several cars standing in a traffic jam.

A total of 28 cars collided in the accident: 24 cars and 4 trucks. Several cars burst into flames. As a result of the road accident, 4 people were killed and several more were injured.

The driver himself was not seriously injured. After the arrest, he announced that the brakes were not working and cooperated with the investigation.

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