Home » Boldly planned, meticulously executed: what really happened in Crimea

Boldly planned, meticulously executed: what really happened in Crimea

by alex

Boldly planned, meticulously executed: what really happened in Crimea/Facebook photo by Alexander Kochetkov

The war forced me to remember what was taught at the Dnieper Physicotechnical Institute. So, the occupying version that a self-explosion of aviation ammunition occurred at the airfield in Novofedorivka is a cowardly nonsense of outright idiots.


In case of violation of safety regulations, there is always one source of detonation, from which along the chain with a time lag others arise. And in Novofedorovka it exploded in several places at the same time.

What happened in Novofedorovka

But there are no signs of a missile or drone attack either! In principle, the “Neptunes” and “Harpoons” that are in our arsenal fly there. But these are subsonic missiles, they would be clearly visible in a clear sky. And supersonic ATACSM missiles, which we don’t officially have, would also be visible on the descending section of the trajectory (even the hypersonic “Dagger” is visible).

In addition, the aggressor has this section just stuffed with air defense since Soviet times. She would definitely detect the attacking missiles. Not the fact that it would be possible to shoot down, but they would definitely try. In the same way, they would try to shoot down our drones, which would be visible both on radar and visually. But the air defense of the aggressor was dozing, exhausted by the beach heat.

In principle, the task of undermining the ammunition stored at the airfield could be solved by a multiple launch rocket system. But it cannot be secretly dragged to the desired range by sea or across occupied territory.

The most realistic option

Sabotage is the most consistent with what happened. But then it should enter the world annals of reconnaissance and sabotage work. Because it is boldly planned and meticulously executed.

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