Home » Boeing lost nearly $ 12 billion in 2020

Boeing lost nearly $ 12 billion in 2020

by alex

US aircraft manufacturer with huge provisions for delivery problems at 777X.

The US aircraft manufacturer Boeing suffered a massive loss in the billions last year. As the company announced on Wednesday, the minus in 2020 totaled 11.9 billion dollars (9.8 billion euros).

In the fourth quarter alone, the loss was $ 8.4 billion. The main reason for this is a provision of 6.5 billion dollars for delivery delays on the long-haul 777X.

The delivery of the new type had been postponed several times. Boeing has now announced that the 777X will not be ready to go before the end of 2023. The last date was 2022.

The aircraft manufacturer is particularly ailing because of the drastic restrictions in travel due to the corona pandemic and because of the temporary flight ban on the Boeing 737 MAX after two crashes with several hundred fatalities.

The European aviation safety authority EASA lifted the ban on Wednesday, the US aviation authority FAA had already given the green light for the 737 MAX in mid-November after Boeing had made a number of technical changes.

2020 was a “year of profound social and global” cuts that have “severely restricted” the industry, said Boeing CEO David Calhoun. The corona crisis and the failure of the 737 MAX would have had a major impact on the Group's results. The Boeing shares fell in the pre-market trading by 3.2 percent.

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