Home ยป Blokhin Center told what types of cancer children get most often

Blokhin Center told what types of cancer children get most often

by alex

The Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology of the Blokhin National Cancer Center told Reedus what types of cancer children most often get sick with.

“In the first place are tumors of a lymphoproliferative nature: leukemias and lymphomas. In second place are tumors of the central nervous system: gliomas, medulloblastomas (these are brain tumors). In third place are solid tumors: neuroblastoma (malignant tumor of the sympathetic nervous system), nephroblastoma ( kidney tumor), bone sarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas, liver tumors. These tumors are most common, “said Anatoly Kazantsev, head of the thoracoabdominal department of the Institute of Pediatric Oncology of the Blokhin National Medical Research Center.

Over the past year, Russian scientists have achieved significant success in treatment, but the number of cases of cancer among children is constantly growing.

“Compared to 2020, if we are talking about the treatment of the fourth stage of neuroblastoma, then dinutuximab beta (a drug) has appeared in our country, which can cure children in 65-70% of cases, before it was 10%. The progress is crazy in our country. “, – says the oncologist.

Most recently, Tyumen neurosurgeons performed a unique operation. They removed a tumor from the brain of a 16-year-old schoolgirl. During the operation, the patient was conscious, talked with doctors and even managed to make several drawings, Channel Five reports.

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