Home » Blocking RT channels on YouTube: what the German press writes about it

Blocking RT channels on YouTube: what the German press writes about it

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How do German media comment on the blocking of RT channels on YouTube and Russia's reaction to this step? DW Review.

Provided by Deutsche Welle

The administration of the YouTube company, owned by the American concern Google, on September 28, 2021, blocked two German-language channels of the Russian state media holding RT, indicating that they were spreading false information about the coronavirus pandemic. The Russian Foreign Ministry called this step “an act of unprecedented information aggression” by YouTube, which was committed “with the obvious connivance, if not at the insistence of the German side.” In turn, Roskomnadzor threatened to block YouTube video hosting. How the German press comments on this incident and the reaction to it in Russia – in the DW review.

FAZ: “In fact, Moscow's goal is YouTube”

Reinhard Veser, a columnist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) newspaper, writes in his commentary: “Moscow talks about Germany's information war against Russia and threatens the German media. But its real target is YouTube, the favorite channel of communication for the Russian opposition.”

Blocking RT channels on YouTube: what the German press writes about it

Reinhard Feser, FAZ Columnist

“The statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry on the subject blocking German-YouTube-channel of Russian state television channel RT worth reading because of its expansiveness, – says Feser in FAZ comments -. This statement says a lot about its author after the approval (Ministry of Foreign Affairs -. Ed.). Of that the “act of unprecedented information aggression” against Russia by the American concern was committed “with obvious connivance, if not at the insistence of the German side,” they (the authors – Ed. ) use the word “Infobarbarossa”, hinting at the “Barbarossa plan” for the attack Wehrmacht to the Soviet Union in 1941 “.

“The blocking of two YouTube channels (while the RT website, of course, is still available without any problems), in the official statement of the Russian government, is placed on the same level with the National Socialist war of extermination, in which several million Soviet people died,” continues Reinhard Feser: “This vividly illustrates the disdain with which the rulers in Moscow treat people in their country. For the Putin regime, Russians are nothing more than material for the embodiment of his ideas about power.”

The FAZ observer adds that “the readiness of the Russian leadership to act in this way clearly shows where the boundaries of possible cooperation with them lie.”

Badische Zeitung: “RT as a source of fakes”

In turn, the columnist for the Badische Zeitung newspaper Thomas Steiner writes: “The editor-in-chief of RT (Margarita Simonyan. – Ed. ) Claims that the German state is waging an information war against its media. The Kremlin spreads fake news, then Simonyan provided them. “

Meanwhile, from the point of view of the German journalist Thomas Steiner, it is “Moscow that is the source of unprecedented information attacks.” “The Russian foreign broadcasting channel RT has been spreading misinformation for a long time. That is why YouTube has blocked the German-language RT channels,” Steiner emphasizes.

“This year, RT used fictitious numbers to cover the coronavirus vaccination campaign and talked about fictitious side effects and referred to conspiracy theories. It is for this reason that YouTube blocked these channels,” writes a journalist for the Badische Zeitung newspaper.

Handelsblatt: “Revenge” of the Kremlin Google will please Yandex

In turn, the German business publication Handelsblatt notes that “the Kremlin is faced with a dilemma: if Google, as the parent concern of YouTube, is squeezed out of Russia, this will strengthen Yandex's position. to the eye “.

“As a search engine, Yandex is already the market leader in Russia,” reminds observer Matthias Brüggmann. “This company has its own e-commerce platform, taxi service, autonomous driving initiatives and other strong and successfully developing Internet projects. which often compete with the Internet projects of the state-controlled Sberbank. All this is happening without the direct influence of the Kremlin. And Putin does not like it. “

See also:

Pressure on the media in Russia: why the VTimes business publication was closed (06/11/2021)

Blocking RT channels on YouTube: what the German press writes about it

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    Author: Elena Gunkel

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