Home ยป Black Lives Matter nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Black Lives Matter nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

by alex

The Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM, Black Lives Matters) has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. A similar initiative was made by the deputy of the Norwegian parliament Petter Eide, the Guardian newspaper reports.

According to him, the movement has become an integral part of the “global fight against racial discrimination” and was able to attract interest in this topic around the world. The parliamentarian noted that, despite the riots and pogroms that accompanied the BLM protests in the United States and other countries, most of the actions were held peacefully. He stressed that most of the incidents were provoked by the actions of the police or opponents of the protesters.

In 2020, the UN World Food Program (WFP) became the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. As noted, the organization received the award for its efforts to fight hunger and for its contribution to improving conditions for achieving peace in the areas affected by the conflict. In addition, the committee appreciated WFP's contribution to preventing hunger from being used as a weapon in war and conflict.

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