Home » Black Lives Matter Leaders Demand Monthly Benefit to African American Families

Black Lives Matter Leaders Demand Monthly Benefit to African American Families

by alex

Representatives of the American movement Black Lives Matter (“Black lives are important”) demanded that officials reconsider the amount of benefits for families affected by the pandemic.

“Black American families are struggling to maintain a roof over their heads, minimal needs for food and medical care,” one of the BLM leaders posted a post on social media. – We are not talking about life, but about survival in the current conditions.

The United States government has already approved a second round of stimulus payments due to the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, as many Americans have been unemployed over the past year.

On New Year's Eve, the House of Representatives passed a bill defining an additional, one-time payment of $ 600 per person. President Donald Trump has pushed for a nearly triple increase in the amount. And he signed a package of documents on assistance to the Americans affected by the pandemic. Now the fate of the bill is in the hands of the Republican-controlled Senate.

As for the BLM movement, except for the posts in social networks, its representatives have not applied anywhere else.

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