Home » Bitter! Great hope for ÖSV suffers cruciate ligament rupture

Bitter! Great hope for ÖSV suffers cruciate ligament rupture

by alex

Bitter! Great hope for ÖSV suffers cruciate ligament rupture

Maximilian Lahnsteiner

ÖSV driver Maximilian Lahnsteiner was seriously injured. He won the overall European Cup and wanted to really get started in the World Cup this year.

Bitter news before the World Cup kick-off in Sölden! Maximilian Lahnsteiner seriously injured his knee during giant slalom training on the Schnalstal Glacier on Wednesday.

The 25-year-old from Upper Austria tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in a training fall. This was the result of an MRI examination in the private clinic in Hochrum this morning.

The overall European Cup winner of last season will undergo an operation as soon as possible and will therefore be out for the entire World Cup season, the ÖSV announced.

On March 6th this year in Saalbach-Hinterglemm he immediately scored a point in his World Cup debut with 30th place.

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